
3 mins read

How To Stop Grinding Your Teeth: Tips & Techniques
Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, is more than just a nighttime nuisance—it’s a prevalent condition that can have serious repercussions for your oral health. It’s a challenge that many face in silence, often without realizing the damage being done until symptoms become pronounced. This post aims to arm you with effective strategies to halt […]

3 mins read

The Connection Between Bad Breath and Gum Health
Bad breath, a silent yet potent social deterrent, often carries with it a heavy burden of anxiety and diminished self-confidence. Amidst our daily interactions, the fear of unpleasant breath can indeed become a lurking concern. It’s a topic that, albeit common, requires a gentle yet informed approach. This blog sheds light on the intricate relationship […]

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What Causes White Spots on Teeth and How to Prevent Them
Learn about the causes of white spots on teeth, preventive measures, and advanced treatments to ensure your smile remains bright and unblemished.

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7 Ways Acid Reflux Can Damage Your Teeth
Experiencing acid reflux is far from pleasant. Beyond the discomfort and the interruptions to daily life, it’s a condition that quietly extends its reach to areas we often overlook, such as our oral health. This blog aims to shed light on the lesser-known impact of acid reflux on dental health and to reassure you that […]

3 mins read

Can Tooth Enamel Erosion Be Reversed?
The integrity of tooth enamel is paramount in maintaining not just oral health but also a vibrant smile. Enamel erosion, a prevalent issue affecting numerous individuals, has emerged as a focal point of concern. This blog post offers insights, preventative measures, and solutions to the question at hand: Can tooth enamel erosion be reversed? Our […]

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How Do I Know If My Child Needs Dental Work?
Introducing your child to pediatric dental care can help them become familiar with dental visits, making them a regular aspect of their overall health routine.

3 mins read

The Role of Saliva in Keeping Your Mouth Healthy
Have you ever considered the unsung hero residing in your mouth? Yes, we’re talking about saliva – that clear liquid we often take for granted. In this blog post, we’re set to explore the multifaceted role of saliva and its significant contributions to our overall oral health. Prepare to be surprised by this often-overlooked component […]

3 mins read

Understanding Tooth Discoloration: Causes and Treatment Options
Tooth discoloration is a common dental issue that affects many individuals. It can significantly impact the aesthetic appeal of your smile and, in turn, your self-confidence. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various causes of tooth discoloration and discuss a range of effective treatment options to help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile. […]

3 mins read

The Truth About Fluoride: Benefits and Myths Debunked
Fluoride is often a topic of discussion in dental care due to its widespread use and associated myths. In this blog, we aim to shed light on the true nature of fluoride, its benefits, and address the common controversies and misconceptions surrounding it. Our goal is to provide clear, factual information to help you make […]

3 mins read

Mouthwash: An Essential Part of Oral Hygiene or Not?
Mouthwash, often perceived as a breath freshener, surpasses its primary function and has become a valuable component of numerous oral hygiene routines globally. However, it prompts the question: is this widespread belief truly justified? In this blog post, we aim to explore the true impact of mouthwash on oral health, evaluating its multifaceted benefits as […]

2 mins read

7 Reasons Why Regular Dental Cleanings Are Important
In our journey to maintain good health, the importance of regular dental cleanings is often underestimated. These cleanings are not just crucial for oral health but also play a significant role in our overall well-being. Let’s explore how regular dental cleanings are pivotal in maintaining health and happiness. 1. Prevention Over Cure The adage “prevention […]

3 mins read

Prevent Sports-Related Dental Injuries with Mouthguards
Sports are an excellent way to stay active, build camaraderie, and enjoy the thrill of competition. Whether you’re a professional athlete or just enjoy weekend games with friends, one thing is certain: sports can sometimes be rough, and injuries are often a part of the game.  While many athletes are well-prepared with helmets, pads, and […]

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How to Take Care of Braces: Dental Hygiene Tips
Embarking on a journey to straighten your teeth with braces is a significant step towards achieving a confident and beautiful smile. However, maintaining proper dental hygiene while wearing braces is crucial to ensure your treatment goes smoothly and prevent any potential issues.  In this blog post, we’ll provide valuable tips on how to take care […]

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The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health
Oral health is often overlooked, but it plays a significant role in our overall well-being. The mouth is the gateway to the body, therefore, poor oral health can lead to various health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, and pregnancy complications. In this blog post, we’ll explore the critical connection between oral health and […]

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Senior Oral Health: The Importance of a Healthy Smile
As we age, oral health becomes increasingly important for maintaining overall well-being and quality of life. A healthy smile isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s vital to senior health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of senior oral health, the unique challenges seniors may face, and practical tips for maintaining a healthy smile well […]

3 mins read

The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Well-Being
We often focus on exercise, nutrition, and mental well-being when pursuing a healthier lifestyle. However, one crucial aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked is oral health. The state of your teeth and gums can profoundly impact your overall health, reaching far beyond just a bright smile.  In this blog post, we will delve into the link […]

4 mins read

Understanding Bruxism: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
In the realm of oral health, some conditions quietly emerge, their presence often hinted at by subtle signs. Bruxism, a seemingly innocuous yet potentially harmful condition, falls under this category. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate the intricate world of bruxism, shedding light on its origins, telltale indicators, and the treatments that promise relief.  What is […]

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The Stages of a Child’s Teeth Development
Watching your child grow and reach important milestones is an incredible journey. Among these milestones, the development of their teeth is a significant process that requires attention and care. Understanding the stages of a child’s teeth development can help you support their oral health from infancy through adolescence. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore […]

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How to Get Rid of Halitosis Permanently
Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can significantly impact a person’s self-confidence, social interactions, and overall quality of life. It is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing embarrassment and discomfort. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of halitosis, its signs and symptoms, and effective treatment options to help you […]

2 mins read

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Oral Hygiene as a Family
Healthy and strong teeth are essential for children, teens, and adults alike – it’s not just a matter of looks but of overall health, too! Taking care of your oral hygiene as a family can be a challenge with the busyness of life. However, with some tips and tricks from experts in dentistry, you can […]

3 mins read

What Happens When Cavities Go Untreated
Cavities are one of the most common dental issues in people of all ages, and yet many individuals don’t understand the potential consequences associated with leaving cavities untreated. A cavity is a hole on the surface of your tooth that results from bacteria-causing decay, and it’s important to address this problem as quickly as possible. […]

3 mins read

The Different Types of Gum Disease
Gum disease is a major dental issue that can lead to serious complications if left untreated for long periods of time. It’s estimated that up to 80% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease, and it affects both adults and children alike. But what many don’t know is that there are actually two […]

2 mins read

Do Electric Toothbrushes Work Better?
Are you looking to get a deeper clean for your teeth and gums? Have you heard that electric toothbrushes have superior cleaning power to regular toothbrushes, but are unsure if it’s worth the extra money?  In this blog post, we will explore the differences between regular and electric toothbrushes and answer the question of whether […]

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Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work?
If you’re looking to brighten your smile without spending a lot of money or time at the dentist, teeth whitening strips might be an attractive option. However, with so many products on the market claiming to make your smile brighter and whiter in just minutes, it can be hard to decide which ones do what […]

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Common Issues From Crowded Teeth
Do you have crowded teeth that make it difficult to clean, or cause extreme discomfort? Then this post will be especially important for you.  Crowded teeth can lead to a variety of complications, but they’re completely preventable with proper steps. In this blog post we’ll discuss the common issues from crowded teeth and how your […]

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The Effects of Alcohol on your Teeth and Gums
Alcohol can have a major impact on your oral health. From cavity formation to dry mouth, the effects of alcohol on your teeth and gums can be far reaching and damaging for your smile. But do you know how exactly alcohol affects your teeth and gums?  In this blog post, we explore the science behind […]

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Canker Sores 101
Canker sores are a common yet concerning issue for many adults. They can be uncomfortable, painful and sometimes embarrassing to deal with. But, understanding why they occur and how to treat them effectively is essential for managing your oral health. That’s why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to Canker Sores 101 – so you […]

4 mins read

Food Groups That Will Improve your Oral Hygiene
Do you ever wonder what it takes to have a bright and healthy smile? We’re always encouraging our patients to take their oral hygiene seriously. While brushing regularly is an absolutely essential part of maintaining good dental health, we often overlook the importance of nutrition.  To keep cavities at bay and your teeth looking their […]

2 mins read

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?
If you’re looking for a way to enhance your smile, dental bonding may be a perfect solution. Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that uses resin to improve the appearance of your teeth quickly and affordably. It can be used to fill in gaps, repair chips or cracks, change tooth shape or color and even […]

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Why Is My Tooth Brown Near My Gums?
Are you noticing discoloration along the gum line of one or more of your teeth? Brown spots on gums near a tooth can be an indication that something is amiss with the health of your mouth. It’s important to stay informed about what could be causing those brown spots – and, most importantly, what you […]

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Do Cavities in Toddler Teeth Need to Be Treated?
If you’re the parent of a toddler, you may be wondering ‘do cavities in toddler teeth need to be treated?’. In most cases, the answer is yes – cavities should be treated regardless of how young the child is. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of treatment before making a decision. In […]

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Can Crowns Look as Good as Veneers?
Crowns and veneers are both dental treatments that can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth. However, they each have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Can crowns look as good as veneers? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how crowns and veneers compare in terms of appearance, cost, and […]

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Dental Hygiene Benefits
Good dental hygiene habits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Not only does brushing and flossing help to prevent cavities and gum disease, but it can also alert you to other health problems that may be lurking in your mouth. Here are just a few of the many benefits of good dental hygiene. […]

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Early Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a common condition that affects the gums and bones that support the teeth. If left untreated, early periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. Early detection and treatment of periodontal disease is essential for maintaining good oral health. There are two main categories of periodontal disease: gingivitis […]

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Flossing Alternatives for Those Who Hate to Floss
It’s no secret that flossing is good for you. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends that everyone floss at least once a day to remove plaque and keep teeth and gums healthy. However, despite its benefits, there are many people who hate to floss. In fact, 32% of Americans never floss. If you’re in […]

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How Intraoral Cameras are Changing Dentistry for the Better
For years, dentists have had to rely on x-rays and their own eyesight to identify problems within patients’ mouths. However, this is no longer the case thanks to intraoral cameras. These small, lightweight cameras can be easily positioned inside a patient’s mouth to get a clear, close-up view of their teeth and gums. This allows […]

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Waterpik or Flossing: Which is Better?
Waterpik and flossing are both great ways to keep your teeth clean and healthy. But which one is better? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each to see which one comes out on top.  Waterpik Pros: If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to clean your teeth, a Waterpik […]

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Veneers Can Fix Chips, Cracks, Gaps and Stains
If your teeth are stained, chipped, cracked or have gaps between them, you may feel self-conscious when you smile. But don’t worry – veneers can fix all of these problems and give you a stunning smile! In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about veneers so you can decide if they’re […]

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Why Hydration is Important for Oral Health
Did you know that dehydration can lead to dry mouth and poor oral health? It’s true! Not only is hydration important for overall health, it’s also essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of hydration for oral health and share some tips on how to stay […]

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5 Myths about Dental Health
Parents always have their children’s best interest at heart and want to ensure they are growing up healthy and strong. This includes taking care of their oral health. However, there are some common myths floating around about dental health that parents may believe. In this post, we’ll dispel five of these myths and give you […]

2 mins read

Do Teeth Rot With Porcelain Veneers? The Truth About Fake Teeth
Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. They are thin, tooth-colored shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide variety of aesthetic concerns, including chips, cracks, gaps, and stains. One of the most common questions we get from our patients about […]

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How Bad Breath Can Be Cured
You probably don’t think too much about your bad breath. You might even assume that it’s normal to have bad breath every now and then. But did you know that bad breath is actually a symptom of an underlying problem? And that if left untreated, this problem could lead to more serious health issues? The […]

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Why a Regular Dental Checkup is Important
Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining oral health, preventing cavities and other dental problems, and catching any potential issues early on. Often people don’t go to the dentist unless they’re experiencing pain or discomfort, but by then it might be too late. A regular dental checkup appointment can help ensure that your teeth are […]

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Does Natural Toothpaste Really Work?
The toothpaste aisle at the store can be pretty daunting. It’s packed with all sorts of flavors, colors, and promises. And it’s hard to know which one to pick – especially when it seems like every other option is boasting about being “natural.” So does natural toothpaste really work better than the traditional stuff? Let’s […]

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Is Fluoride Treatment at a Dentist Worth It?
Fluoride treatment is one of the most important ways to prevent tooth decay, especially in adults. Fluoride helps to protect teeth against acid attacks and the build-up of plaque. It can also help to reverse early signs of decay. While fluoride treatments are typically given to children, they can be very beneficial for adults too. […]

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Smile Makeovers: How to Get the Perfect Smile
If you’re not happy with your smile, you’re not alone. A recent study found that nearly 57% of Americans are unhappy with their teeth. If you’re one of those people, it’s time to consider a smile makeover. Smile makeovers are a form of cosmetic dentistry designed to restore your smile and improve your appearance. They […]

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Should I Still Floss If I Use a Waterpik?
Water flossers are excellent alternatives to traditional flossing for those who have sensitive gums, braces, or dexterity issues. Or maybe, you’re just looking to add something new for your oral care routine. However, water flossing does not replace flossing with a string, and it’s still recommended that you floss twice a day using the traditional […]

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9 Best Ways of Preventing Cavities
Maintaining good oral and dental hygiene can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay. There are many ways that you can prevent cavities. Below are nine of the best ways of preventing cavities to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. 1. Brush With Fluoride Toothpaste Fluoride toothpaste is an effective way to prevent tooth decay. […]

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How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?
Dental sealants are a non-invasive and preventive dental treatment that can reduce the risk of tooth decay. Although cavities in children may seem inevitable, sealants work by sealing the tooth, effectively preventing cavity-causing bacteria from touching the tooth. This means you can prevent your child from getting cavities by sealing their teeth! Before you get […]

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How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?
It seems like most adults strive to have the whitest teeth possible – and for good reason. White teeth are beautiful! The brighter and more beautiful your teeth are, the more confidence you can have in your smile. It should come as no surprise then that teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry service […]

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Why You Should Be Brushing Your Tongue
For some people, brushing the tongue is a routine activity, done every time they brush their teeth. For others, brushing the tongue is a task they would never think to do. If you’re one of those who don’t include this as a part of their oral hygiene routine, it can do more harm than you […]

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Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Cold?
Consuming cold foods or drinks should be enjoyable, but sometimes temperature sensitivity gets in the way. Fortunately, tooth sensitivity can be managed with the right strategies. Knowing what causes temperature sensitivity can help you take care of your teeth, while enjoying the hot and cold drinks and foods that you love. Here’s what you need […]

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How to Prevent Stinky Morning Breath
Morning breath is probably your least favorite part of waking up, and it’s definitely the first thing you taste in the morning, so wouldn’t you like to control it? Of course you would! Stinky morning breath is very common. According to the ADA, approximately 50% of adults experience bad morning breath. The good news is, […]

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Practicing Good Oral Hygiene While Sick
When you’re sick, taking care of your body should be your primary goal. It’s easy to forget about your oral hygiene when you’re ill, but oral hygiene remains important whether the rest of your body is healthy or not. No matter whether you have a cold, flu or you’re feeling just fine, it’s important to […]

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Get a Beautiful Smile with Dental Veneers
One of the first things we notice about any other person is their smile. A wide, happy grin conveys trust, warmth, and friendliness. Plenty of studies show that people who smile and are happy do better in their careers, have better relationships with colleagues, and enjoy a more fulfilling social life. But what if you […]

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What to Do About a Receding Gum Line
A dentist is often a type of magician, helping patients recover appearances and oral health that they thought was once gone forever. This is true when it comes to helping patients regain bright, baby white teeth, and it is true when it comes to repairing a receding gum line. Receding gum lines are fairly common […]

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Causes of Root Canal Pain
When severe pain brings you to the dentist’s office, and you discover that you need root canal therapy, if you’re like most patients, you will probably feel some mix of fear and relief. Relief that there is a solution for the pain and fear of a return visit to the dentist. Learning about a root […]

4 mins read

What To Do About Tooth Enamel Loss
As the hardest substance in your body, tooth enamel is extremely important. Similar to an eggshell, your tooth enamel protects the more fragile inner parts of your teeth — pulp and dentin. At the same time, your tooth enamel is your front line of defense against insidious tooth decay. With so much riding on the […]

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Crazy Facts About Cosmetic Dentistry
Many often see cosmetic dentistry as something reserved for more upper-class professionals, like Hollywood actors and actresses who need perfect teeth to score their next movie deal. But cosmetic dentistry doesn’t just have to be for the rich and powerful. In fact, today’s technologies make it easier than ever for anyone and everyone to enjoy […]

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Simply Put, Veneers are a Miracle
Tooth discolorations, chipped teeth, crooked teeth, and other tooth problems can easily make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. People have been exploring different ways to improve their smiles, including replacing natural teeth with artificial ones. However, you don’t have to choose this option to achieve a beautiful smile. Dental veneers can provide you with […]

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How Nail-Biting Affects Your Teeth
Nail-biting is a common habit that affects most children and teens. It often arises as a type of control, a way to alleviate stress or improve concentration. It is a very normal habit, but, unfortunately, it has some not-so-good consequences, especially in regard to one’s oral health. Poor Dental Occlusion Occlusion is the manner in […]

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The Worst Halloween Candy for Your Teeth
Autumn is here, and with it comes changing leaves, cooler weather, and, of course, Halloween. For many people of all ages, Halloween isn’t just a holiday. It’s the best holiday of the year. It’s the holiday where you get to dress up as your alter ego, your favorite hero, or your most beloved arch-villain. But […]

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A Confident Smile Has Incredible Benefits
A smile is an incredibly important way we communicate with each other. Smiles tell others that we’re happy, that we’re engaged in what they’re saying, that we’re excited to see them. Unfortunately, millions of people don’t like the way they smile and will use tactics to avoid letting other people see their teeth. They might […]

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Cavities in Children – Signs and Symptoms
Sometimes, it can feel like children are made out of rubber, able to bounce about without any type of issue and taking many a tumble with incredible grace. However, there is one area where childhood invincibility does not seem to work, and that area is in their mouth. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are […]

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5 Best Mouthwashes
In addition to brushing and flossing, using mouthwash is an important part of daily oral hygiene. Brushing does most of the work, and flossing gets in between the teeth, but only mouthwash gets germ-killing and tooth-cleaning fluids in between the teeth and all around those hard-to-reach spaces. Here at Triangle Dentistry, a lot of people […]

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Toothaches During Pregnancy: Causes, and Solutions
Toothaches during pregnancy are common. It is due to hormonal changes and because a mother’s body has fewer resources to perform normal healing and immune functions. Optimal nutrition is key during pregnancy for this reason and more. But there are ways to reduce or eliminate toothaches during pregnancy. It is best to remember that a mother’s teeth will be more vulnerable to damage while carrying a baby, and special care should be used.

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Teeth Grinding Solutions
Bruxism is the medical term that describes the grinding of teeth. Many people grind their teeth occasionally without doing harm. However, teeth grinding that occurs on a regular basis can cause damage, and people who grind their teeth too often may experience a variety of oral health complications. There are many reasons that people grind […]

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What Causes Yellow Teeth and How to Avoid It
Are you frustrated with your teeth because they’re not white? If so, you aren’t alone. Bright, white teeth are seen as an ideal aesthetic and something many people strive to have. Because while yellow teeth aren’t generally a sign of unhealthiness, you may not like the look of them. The yellowish hue that happens is […]

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Is Time Off Work Required for Scaling and Root Planing
Left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems. Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, causes swollen gums that bleed easily. Gingivitis can also progress to a more serious form of gum disease, known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, which can damage the tissue and bone that holds teeth in […]

3 mins read

Traditional vs. No-Prep Veneers: How to Choose
Veneers fix the appearance of broken, chipped, misshapen, or severely colored teeth to create the perfect smile. These tooth-like shells attach to the front surface of your teeth and look just like your natural teeth. Veneers are an affordable way to improve the cosmetic appeal of your teeth, at just $800 – $2,500 per tooth. […]

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Why Does Sugar Hurt My Teeth
Just a sprinkle of sugar can sweeten just about any food, beverage, or even medicine. Sugar is in thousands of products, from sports drinks to spaghetti sauce. In fact, sugar is in 74 percent of packaged foods. Because it is everywhere, sugar may seem safe. You might be surprised to learn that sugar can create […]

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Eating After Fluoride Treatment
You may know you should delay eating after you have a fluoride treatment, but do you know why you should wait? And, do you know exactly how long you should wait? The answers may surprise you. Fluoride is a natural substance found in the soil, water, and in plants. In the middle part of the […]

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How to Manage Early Stage Gum Disease
Like many other health problems, gum disease is most responsive to treatment in the early stages. When it first starts, gum disease can be quite uncomfortable, but manageable. As it progresses, gum disease can destroy the bone that holds teeth in, which will eventually cause you to lose one or more teeth. Gum disease is […]

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How to Keep Red Wine from Staining Your Teeth
If you are like millions of people, you love red wine, but you don’t like how it stains your teeth. Merlot, burgundy, pinot and other types of red wine contain acids, tannins, and natural dyes – all of which can turn your teeth a soft purple color. In time, red wine can turn your teeth […]

2 mins read

How to Prevent Gingivitis
Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease; left untreated, gingivitis can develop into a more serious form of gum disease, known as periodontal disease. Nearly half of everyone in the United States has some form of gum disease. While gingivitis is common, with gingivitis treatment it is also very preventable. Gingivitis starts when a […]

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Is It a Cavity or Stain? How to Find Out
You may have been brushing your teeth or looking in a mirror when you first noticed the dark spot on your tooth. You probably took a closer look, but were unable to tell if it was a cavity or just a stain. Fortunately, you can take steps to resolve unhealthy cavities and embarrassing stains – […]

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Teeth Whitening in Raleigh
We love our coffee, but we love white teeth more. About 80 percent of Americans aged 18 to 49 want whiter teeth. Some people are willing to give up dessert and coffee for whiter teeth; others keep their teeth looking their best through teeth whitening. In fact, teeth whitening is the most requested dental service. […]

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Velscope Oral Cancer Screening
Dentists do more than fix a patient’s current dental problems – they can also work to prevent dental problems, such as abscesses, cavities, and other oral diseases, from developing. Preventative Dental Services include x-rays to look for cavities invisible to the naked eye, for example, along with fluoride treatments and sealants to strengthen tooth enamel […]

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Dental Contouring
Are you unhappy with the shape of one or more of your teeth? Dental contouring may be the answer! Dental contouring helps when the shape of your teeth isn’t uniform or proportional, which can detract from the natural appeal of your smile. Dental contouring, also known as tooth reshaping or enameloplasty, can fix minor imperfections […]

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7 Things to Know About Dental Crowns
Are you missing a tooth, or do you have a problem tooth? A dental crown may be the solution! More than 15 Million Americans have dental crowns or bridges to restore missing, broken or otherwise damaged teeth. Depending on the source of your problem tooth, you may benefit from a dental crown too. If you […]

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Mask Mouth – Treating Face Mask Bad Breath
“Mask mouth” is a stinky side effect of wearing a mask for hours at a time. Masks can reduce the risk of transmitting infectious diseases, of course, but wearing them for long periods can give you bad breath. Long-tem mask wearing can also lead to other issues, such as tooth decay, cavities, and inflamed gums. […]

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How to Prevent Dry Mouth at Night
Does your mouth get dry at night? You are not alone – dry mouth is a common condition, especially in people over the age of 65. Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, happens when your mouth does not produce enough saliva. Several conditions can contribute to dry mouth. Fortunately, you can prevent dry mouth at […]

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Deep Teeth Cleaning
Maybe it’s been a while since you were at the dentist, or perhaps your dentist has found early-stage periodontal disease at your most recent checkup. If this describes you, your dentist may recommend deep teeth cleaning for your next dental procedure. This may leave you with some questions. What is deep teeth cleaning? Who needs […]

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How to Relieve Tooth Pain from Sinus Pressure
Sinus pressure causes pain in the strangest places – like the teeth. Toothaches from sinus pressure can be scary and disruptive, especially if you’re not aware of the cause of your tooth pain. Loss of sleep, pain when eating and difficulty concentrating are the kinds of problems that people experience when they’ve got sinus pressure. […]

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Cavity Early Warning Signs
Cavities and tooth decay are common. In fact, the common cold is the only condition more common than cavities and tooth decay. Cavities, also known as dental caries, are permanently damaged areas of tooth enamel that can develop into tiny holes. Left untreated, cavities can lead to toothache, infection, and even tooth loss. Fortunately, recognizing the early warning signs of cavities [...]

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Tips to Manage Teeth Whitening Sensitivity
The teeth whitening process is simple, effective and safe. In fact, teeth whitening is one of the fastest and least expensive ways to improve your overall appearance. Teeth whitening can make your teeth several shades whiter and brighter, and bring attention to your smile. The only real downside to teeth whitening is that it can sometimes cause tooth sensitivity [...]

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Gum Disease Dentist in Raleigh
Gum disease is a serious issue that can lead to tooth loss. This common, but preventable problem is usually the result of poor oral hygiene, but a variety of other factors can cause gum disease. It can cause swollen, tender gums and can even destroy the bone that supports teeth. Fortunately, dental professionals can detect […]

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Sensitive Teeth After Whitening
Do you want to whiten your teeth, but worry about having sensitive teeth after the whitening procedure? Sensitive teeth, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity, can develop in patients who have undergone teeth whitening. The sensitivity is the result of the whitening process itself. The whitening chemicals can enter dentin tubules, which are microscopic channels in […]

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Veneers Before and After
Imagine your smile going from always drab and dull to forever stunning with veneers! The friendly dental professionals at Triangle Dentistry are trained in the art and science of cosmetic dentistry, and can give you the perfect smile you have always dreamed of. Veneers can change your smile tremendously, and in ways that you may […]

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Why Dentists Check Your Tongue
Have you ever noticed that dentists check your tongue at every visit? Have you ever wondered why? Believe it or not, looking at the patient’s tongue is a vital part of an oral exam. Your tongue provides clues about your dental health, and even about your overall health. What Dentists are Looking for When Checking […]

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How to Pick The Best Veneers For Your Face
Porcelain veneers have gained popularity in Raleigh, NC. In fact, dental veneers are the most sought-after cosmetic dental procedure, largely because veneers look and feel like your own natural teeth. While veneers are rather straightforward – they are simply wafer-thin, porcelain shells affixed to the outside of your teeth – there are endless options when […]

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Is Gingivitis Contagious?
Is gingivitis contagious? The answer is: it’s complicated and depends on which experts you ask. Gingivitis happens when bacteria in the mouth irritate the gums. It is possible that the initial spread of those gingivitis-causing bacteria spread from mothers to their children. In fact, by the age of 3 years, children are about 26 times […]

3 mins read

12 Spectacular Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth
Maintaining healthy teeth is important for all-around health and well-being. Healthy teeth and gums help you chew and digest food, talk and speak clearly, and to give your face its own unique and beautiful shape. A healthy smile also gives you greater confidence, and can even influence your social life, career, and relationships. What you […]

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Dental Bonding From a Cosmetic Dentist
Do you have chipped or discolored teeth? Dental bonding might be the perfect solution for you. Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which your dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to one tooth or a number of teeth to improve your smile. Your dentist may recommend it to improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, stained […]

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How to Fix a Chipped Tooth
If you have ever had a chipped tooth, you know that it can affect the appeal of your smile. In some cases, a chipped tooth can even cause pain. Fortunately, a chipped tooth can be repaired. Enamel is the tough outer covering of teeth. While it is one of the strongest substances in the human […]

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Front Teeth Crowns vs Veneers
Dental crowns and veneers are types of dental restorations that can improve the cosmetic appeal and function of your teeth. The primary difference between the two is that a crown covers the entire tooth, while veneers cover just the front of the tooth. Dentists can apply either crowns or veneers to front teeth, depending on […]

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How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth
Many people have off-white or yellow teeth, and discoloration can be caused by several different factors. Some of these are in your control, and some factors are not. If you notice your teeth aren’t as white as they once were, here’s how to get rid of yellow teeth. Dispelling Common Yellow Teeth Myths Before focusing […]

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The #1 Procedure for Cosmetic Dentists: Teeth Whitening
Your smile is one of the first things people notice. What are they noticing about your smile? Research shows that white smiles are more attractive. Scientists found that people perceive yellower, more uneven teeth as less attractive as pearly white teeth. This is because adult teeth show the signs of aging, health, and environmental and […]

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Do You Floss Before or After Brushing Your Teeth?
You probably already know that good dental hygiene is important to healthy teeth and an appealing smile. Chances are good that you also know that flossing your teeth is an essential part of practicing good dental hygiene, but do you floss before or after brushing your teeth? Do you know which is better? The answer […]

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Tips for Finding a Cosmetic Dentistry Expert
Finding the right cosmetic dentistry professional in Raleigh, NC isn’t always easy. While there may be many choices, it can be hard to tell who is the most reputable and who offers the best service for their patients. Just knowing where to start when looking for a professional can help you find someone who will […]

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How Come My Teeth Are Not White When I Brush Them Every Day?
People have a common perception that teeth are meant to be perfectly white, but that often isn’t the case in real life. Even if you brush your teeth every day, there are a few reasons why your teeth might not be white.   Teeth Aren’t White to Begin With To start with, the idea that […]

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What Causes Sensitive Teeth
Do you avoid eating or drinking certain foods and beverages because your teeth are sensitive? You are not alone. At least 40 million adults in the United States have had sensitive teeth at some point, according to the Academy of General Dentistry. Understanding the underlying cause of sensitive teeth is the key to avoiding the […]

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The Hollywood Secret to Perfect Teeth
Most celebrities weren’t born with perfect teeth, even if they have them now. They needed dental work to get where they are today. Many people are surprised to find out that the procedures that celebrities go through to achieve their perfect teeth are available to everyone. If you’re disappointed with your teeth and want a […]

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What Vitamins are Good for Gums?
Go to the mirror and open your mouth. Look at your gums. Are they pink and firm? Or red and inflamed? If they’re more red and inflamed than they are pink and healthy, then you might be suffering from gum disease. Healthy gums are the key to good dental hygiene. If your gums are healthy, […]

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How to Strengthen Tooth Enamel
The enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your entire body, according to the American Dental Association. At 96 percent minerals, tooth enamel is also the most mineralized substance in the body. These minerals, which include phosphate and calcium, make tooth enamel durable and resistant to damage. As you age though, the levels […]

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Is Chewing Gum Good For Your Teeth?
The stick of chewing gum may be a fairly recent creation, but the concept of chewing something you don’t swallow is far from new. There’s evidence that people have been chewing gum in one form or another for potentially 9,000 years. The following is an examination of what exactly gum is and what effects modern-day […]

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Top Treatments for Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth are uncomfortable and painful, and sometimes they’re caused by serious dental issues. If you’re bothered by one or more sensitive teeth, see a dentist who can identify the root cause and recommend the most appropriate remedy. Common Causes of Sensitive Teeth Many people experience sensitive teeth at times, and there are lots of […]

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What is SDF?
Having a cavity used to mean one thing — drilling and filling. While that still remains the gold standard for treatment of tooth decay in both adults and children, young patients and those with special needs now have another choice for managing their tooth health: Silver diamine fluoride. Here, we’ll share with you what silver […]

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Protecting Your Child’s Teeth During Sports
Youth sports programs have many benefits for children and teenagers, but sports aren’t without risk. Dental injuries are an often-overlooked risk of participating in youth sports, and it’s one that parents should prepare their children for. Thankfully, there’s an inexpensive and effective way to greatly reduce the likelihood of dental injuries -- wearing a professionally fitted mouthguard.

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What To Do If Your Child Has A Cavity
When the dentist comes out and tells you your child has a cavity, it might be surprising. However, even with a strict oral hygiene routine, children can still get cavities. In fact, about 20% of children in the five to eleven age group have at least one untreated decaying tooth, according to the Centers for […]

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Water Flossers As An Alternative To Floss
Regular brushing and flossing your teeth is part of good oral hygiene, which helps keep cavities and gum disease at bay. Most people likely use waxed or unwaxed floss string, or even dental floss picks to floss their teeth. However, there is an alternative to traditional flossing methods — at-home water flossers. Water flossers offer […]

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Common Problems with Dentures and How to Fix Them
While dentures are not exact replacements for natural teeth, they can be instrumental in helping people who have lost their natural teeth appear and function as close to normal as possible. Occasionally, our patients have difficulties adjusting to life with dentures. Below are some of the common problems people experience with dentures, and how to […]

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Pediatric Dentistry: Toddler Dental Care
The toddler years between 12 to 36 months of age are often some of the most challenging for parents – especially as teeth begin to grow in and it’s time to start introducing a solid dental hygiene routine. It’s also the time when parents have to address the habit of sucking on a pacifier or […]

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What You Need to Know About Daytime Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, referred to as bruxism, is a common problem for both children and adults. While teeth grinding or teeth clenching more commonly occurs at night, called nocturnal bruxism, some people suffer from bruxism while they are awake. This is a problem because both teeth grinding at night and diurnal, or daytime bruxism, wears down […]

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What Happens When Cavities Go Unfilled
According to the NIH, more than 90 percent of adults will get a cavity, also called dental caries, at least once in their lifetime. About 26 percent of individuals between the ages of 20 and 64 will have at least one unfilled cavity.  Many Americans question how long they can leave a cavity untreated. However, […]

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Pediatric Dentistry: Infant Dental Care
Babies generally get their first tooth somewhere between six months and a year of age. However, baby teeth care should start as soon as your little one is born. Those early habits you develop with your baby caring for their mouth can set your child up for an entire life of healthy teeth and gums. […]

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How Saliva pH Affects Dental Health
The pH levels throughout your body are important in maintaining your overall health. Acidic pH levels are often associated with a higher risk of many health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. As it turns out, having a balanced saliva pH positively affects your oral health. Your mouth’s pH level plays a major role […]

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Am I Flossing Right?
Flossing is one of the best things you can do for the health of your gums and teeth. Regular flossing removes the plaque on your smile that can lead to cavities, tartar, gingivitis, and even advanced periodontal disease. Gum disease like gingivitis and periodontal disease can lead to heart disease and other medical problems if […]

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What Does In-Office Fluoride Varnish Do?
While maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine, eating a healthy diet, and seeing your dentist regularly all aid in cavity prevention, sometimes it isn’t enough. In these cases, patients can request a professional fluoride varnish at their next dentist appointment. Professionally applied fluoride varnish provides a high concentration of fluoride directly to the teeth and […]

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Prescription Toothpaste: The Fluoride Solution You Might Need
There are more than 700 types of bacteria in your mouth. While some of these types are considered ‘good’, most are hazardous to your oral health. This is why it is important to adopt an efficient oral hygiene routine that removes these bacteria colonies. There are times when brushing with regular, over-the-counter (OTC) fluoride toothpaste […]

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The Signs of Oral Cancer
While oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, many people are unaware that they have oral cancer until it is too late. This is because the majority of people do not regularly look for signs of oral cancer or take the precautionary steps to reduce their risk of developing it. Each […]

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Triangle Dentistry: Dentists for the Triangle Community
Triangle Dentistry is known for their patient-centric approach to dentistry, which also extends to the community their patients call home. From patient events to community sponsorships, Triangle Dentistry works hard to give back to Raleigh and the surrounding areas. Triangle Dentistry Events Hosting events and giveaways is one way that Triangle Dentistry gives back to […]

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Reasons Why Your Teeth Look Translucent
If some of your teeth are beginning to look transparent or translucent around the edges, you may begin to grow concerned. Translucent or transparent teeth can happen even if you follow the best oral hygiene routine and go to your dentist regularly. Learning what causes translucent or transparent teeth can help you prevent this dental […]

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Sharing Smiles Highlights Triangle Dentistry’s Patient-Centric Approach
Your dental health is vital to not only your own personal wellness, but also to your overall well-being. When it comes to patient-centric dental care in Raleigh, North Carolina, Dr. Smith and Dr. Tart have created a patient-centric approach to dental care that focuses on you, the patient, before anything else. In 2018, Triangle Dentistry’s […]

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In-Office Savings Plans at Triangle Dentistry
In 2012, it was reported that over 108 million Americans went without dental insurance, and ultimately, dental healthcare. Today, it is estimated that more than 55% of Americans lack dental insurance. High costs, waiting periods, deductibles, and maximums are some of the reasons why many Americans are turning down dental insurance. Because of this, an […]

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Benefits of Cleaning Your Tongue With A Tongue Scraper
You know it’s important to brush your teeth, but did you know that it’s also necessary to brush your tongue? The human mouth is home to more than 70 types of good and bad bacteria and an overgrowth of the bad bacteria can lead to foul smelling breath. Dental professionals are seeing an increase in […]

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Does Your Tooth Hurt? Common Toothache Causes
Maybe you bit down on your favorite food the wrong way, or you woke up with throbbing tooth pain – either way you’re miserable. A toothache has a way of taking over and becoming impossible to ignore. When your tooth hurts, your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Tooth pain isn’t […]

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How to Get Whiter Teeth
Have you recently looked in the mirror only to realize that your teeth are looking a little dull and stained? You’re not alone! Many people feel self-conscious about their smile. In fact, it’s the top aesthetic dental concern for most patients. The good news is that you can enjoy a whiter, brighter smile from a […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Dentures
If you are missing multiple teeth, dentures may be a suitable option for you. Dentures are removable prosthetic appliances comprised of artificial teeth. Dentures are custom created to replace missing teeth and the surrounding gum area, and are molded to fit a dental patient’s unique mouth structure. The artificial teeth are affixed to a plate that […]

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How to Choose the Right Dentist for Your Child
While children are typically showered in toys and gifts for their early birthdays, one of the best gifts a parent can give to their son or daughter is excellent dental care.  While it is important to introduce great dental hygiene habits at home, like learning to brush their teeth, dental visits should also be a […]

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Mouth Cancer Awareness Month
What do you know about mouth cancer? November is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month, which aims to raise awareness of mouth cancer causes, prevention, and treatment. This yearly campaign can potentially save thousands of lives through early detection and prevention. If you don’t know many details about oral cancer, which can affect any part of your […]

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What is Fluoride?
Dentists use fluoride to strengthen teeth. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is used in dentistry to strengthen your enamel. The mineral is also present in water, soil, plants, rocks, and even in the air.  Your teeth already have a lot of fluoride in them. In fact, fluoride concentrates in growing bones and developing […]

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National Dental Hygiene Month
Smile! October is National Dental Hygiene Month. Since 2009, the Wrigley Company and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) have been working together to organize National Dental Hygiene Month. Through this project, the two organizations hope to increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining good oral health through dental hygiene. It is also a […]

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Dental Health for Aging Seniors
Dental health is important at all ages, but it is particularly important for older adults. This is because certain medical conditions, treatments, and other factors can increase the risk of dental problems in these individuals. Dental problems are common in older adults. In fact, people over the age of 65 with natural teeth experience more […]

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The Dangers of Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding may seem like just a harmless habit triggered by stress, certain medications, or even misaligned teeth. However, teeth grinding can result in short-term and long-term damage to your teeth and jaw. This damage in most cases is unrepairable, making teeth grinding a habit that should be identified, and treated, to prolong the health […]

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?
Have you ever wondered if dental veneers are the right choice for your teeth? Whether a previous dentist has mentioned them as a possibility or you’ve been doing some research on your own, considering veneers is the first step in restoring, rebuilding, or simply renovating your teeth into a smile you’ll want to show off wherever you go [...]

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Dentistry From The Heart 2018
It’s time to celebrate the tremendous success of Triangle Dentistry’s 3rd Annual Dentistry from the Heart. Triangle Dentistry began its mission in 1968 which means that we are in our golden year of 50! Dentistry from the Heart is a national nonprofit that makes people smile. Over 100 million Americans lack dental insurance and over […]

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What Happens at Dental Checkups?
Dental checkups are an integral part of maintaining your oral health, so if you’ve never had a dental checkup or it’s been a long time since your last one, you may benefit from understanding the basics of your next dental appointment. Here’s a glimpse at what to expect when you arrive.

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Do You Need a Dental Crown or Bridge?
Do you have one or more missing teeth, teeth with large fillings, or badly worn or damaged teeth? To help improve the look of your smile, protect your teeth and make chewing and talking easier, you may benefit from either a dental crown or a bridge.   Understanding Dental Crowns Dental crowns are highly versatile […]

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The Importance of Dental Mouthguards
Mouthguards help protect your teeth from damage. They are usually worn while playing sports, like football and hockey, or they are worn at night to protect the teeth from nighttime teeth grinding. If you need a mouthguard to protect your teeth, consider speaking to your dentist regarding the options.   When You Should Wear Your […]

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The Bleeding Truth About Gingivitis  
The word “Gingivitis” has become one of those cautionary elements of toothpaste and mouthwash commercials, but you may not know exactly what it is and how it can impact your oral health. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that results in inflamed and bleeding gums. If it is not treated, it can become worse, […]

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Balancing Good and Bad Bacteria in Your Mouth
Don’t panic, but your mouth is full of germs, bacteria, and even certain types of fungi. According to a study reported by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, there are more than 700 different types of bacteria in the human mouth. However, not all of the bacteria in your mouth is bad. Some of it is […]

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What’s that Smell? Eradicating Bad Breath: Causes and Cures
Halitosis is the medical term used to refer to bad breath, but if you are suffering with it, you probably feel that it simply stinks – especially since your friends and relatives are sharing in your suffering! There are a variety of issues that can contribute to bad breath, including smoking, tooth decay, the use […]

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Wise Up! How to Know it’s Time to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Whether you have your wisdom teeth or they’re just coming in, you may be wondering if they need to be extracted. Many people automatically have their wisdom teeth removed. However, you can choose to keep them if you are not experiencing any pain, and the teeth have emerged correctly. Let’s learn more about wisdom teeth […]

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There Are Many Benefits to Good Oral Hygiene
There are many benefits of good oral hygiene. If your mouth is in good health, you can eat food properly, feel good about the way you look, and often feel better overall. That is why dentists spend so much time teaching patients how to brush, floss and rinse their teeth. It is crucial to keep […]

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Learning to Brush: Good Oral Hygiene Starts at Home
Childhood dental care is extremely important. By keeping your child’s gums and teeth clean, you are helping to prevent early childhood cavities and teaching your child good oral hygiene habits that he or she will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Each stage of a child’s development requires different techniques for oral […]

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Protecting Your Oral Health with an Oral Cancer Screening
Each year, between 9,000 and 10,000 people die from oral cancer, according to AAOMS. It’s a prevalent cancer, yet, it gets little attention. In the past, smokers were most likely to develop the disease. Today, it’s being seen in non-smokers with HPV, and the disease is more common in men than in women [...]

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Not so Sweet – Are Sugar-Free Choices Safer for Your Teeth?
When it comes to protecting your teeth, you probably already know that consuming excessive amounts of heavily sweetened foods and drinks are bad for your teeth. However, if you want something sweet, that’s not an issue these days – you simply take a bite out of one of the endless sugar-free options available. Not so […]

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How Dentures Can Help Your Appearance and Your Health
How Dentures Can Help Your Appearance and Your Health   The word “dentures” may conjure up images of your uncle, flapping out his ill-fitting teeth for a laugh at the family reunion, but the days of “store bought” dentures are long since past. In fact, denture wearers today have more choices than ever before. If […]

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Healthy Foods Equal Healthy Teeth
You’ve heard the expression, “Your body is a temple.” That being the case, your mouth is the grand entrance, and to keep the rest of your temple healthy, you need to be careful what you let in! The foods you eat can have an impact on your oral health and the health of your teeth. […]

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Can I Really Whiten My Teeth With Activated Charcoal?  
More than ever, people are looking to improve their lives and their health through products that are all natural and chemical-free.  As a result, there are numerous organic and natural products on the market, from shampoo to toothpaste. The latest oral health craze involves using activated charcoal to whiten teeth.  Proponents of this method claim […]

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Six Signs of Gum Disease  
  February is Gum Disease Awareness Month, a global effort to raise public awareness of gum disease. Gingivitis and periodontal disease can sneak up on you if you aren’t diligent with your oral hygiene routine. Regular professional cleanings can help stem the progression of gum disease and restore the health of your teeth and gums. However, not everyone […]

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Show Your Smile Some Love: Five Ways to Protect Your Teeth on Valentine’s Day
Are your teeth healthy enough to withstand Valentine’s Day candy? The answer is no. Regardless of how healthy your teeth and gums are, they are still susceptible to acid attacks from Valentine’s Day candy, even if you usually avoid sweets or have never had a cavity. Luckily, there are ways you can protect your teeth […]

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You Would Rather Get a Root Canal, Really!
At your latest trip to the dentist, your worst fears have been realized – you need a root canal.  Friends may have told you horror stories about their Uncles Bosses Wife, and what a terrible time she had during her root canal.   The truth is, having a root canal is a fairly painless and simple […]

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Why Does the Tooth Fairy Buy Baby Teeth?
Every child knows that the tooth fairy is a magical creature that appears at night, takes the child’s recently lost tooth and replaces it with money, but this is a fairly recent adaptation of the tale. The mystical spirit with endless finances for baby teeth is just one tradition evolved from centuries of folklore that […]

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Dental Sealants: What Are They And Do I Need Them
If you’re serious about your oral health, you may be considering dental sealants for you and your family. The purpose of dental sealants is to provide you with another tool that can help you maintain your oral health. As described by the CDC, sealants are comprised of very thin layers of plastic that are painted onto […]

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Choosing a Pediatric Dentist and Preparing Your Child for Their First Dental Visit
When it comes to choosing the right dentist for your child, you should choose a pediatric dentist that is experienced, knowledgeable and friendly with a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. Pediatric dentists often have additional education and experience in treating common childhood dental problems, including cavities, childhood periodontal disease, and tongue tie. Finding the Right Children’s […]

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9 Reasons Why Dental Cleanings Are Essential for Good Health
Everyone knows that regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings can help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. But did you know that practicing good dental hygiene and seeing a dentist for regular dental cleanings could help maintain your overall health and potentially detect certain chronic conditions? Decrease the Risk of Dementia Studies have shown that individuals […]

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Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid
Dental emergencies are fairly common in children and adults. They can include; bleeding from the mouth due to an injury or getting hit it the face, cracked and broken teeth, oral infections and extreme pain. Whenever you encounter a dental emergency, it’s extremely important to see a dentist or a medical professional right away in […]

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ClearCorrect vs Invisalign: What You Need to Know
There are plenty of ways to get that picture perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of without the inconvenience and embarrassment of traditional braces. Two of the leading alternatives to having a metal mouth are ClearCorrect and Invisalign. They are both a series of custom-fit aligners intended to gradually move your teeth into the correct place. […]

3 mins read

Hazards of Teeth Grinding and How You Can Stop It
Do you grind your teeth at night? Many adults and children experience temporary teeth grinding, known as bruxism when they are under high amounts of stress. Bruxism is usually temporary and dissipates as soon as your stress levels decrease. However, if you have chronic teeth grinding, it could be a sign of a more serious […]

2 mins read

4 Dental Hygiene Myths Your Dentist Wants You to Understand
You probably know a thing or two about taking care of your teeth. However, there are several common myths about oral hygiene that dentists hear regularly from their patients that aren’t necessarily true. Here are four of the most common myths about dental hygiene – debunked.   Myth 1: If your gums are bleeding when you […]